Planting with split rows has been a practice for 40 years. It was originally introduced by Kinze Manufacturing in 1978 as a result of searching for ways to reduce equipment costs. The split row concept is designed to seed conventional (30, 36 or 38 inch rows) and narrow rows (15, 18 or 19 inch rows) with one planter by engaging the push row units.
Soybean Narrow Row Spacing Advantages
As this practice has grown in popularity, so has the data to support the benefits of 15″ soybean row spacing.
Increased Profits
Based on a 10-year average, planting in 15″ rows returned a profit of $31.09/acre more than 30″ row widths. See more data here.

Increased Yields
Soybeans planted in 15″ rows average 4.5 bu./acre higher than those planted in 30″ rows. Read the full article here.

Additional Benefits
In addition to increased profit and yield, 15″ soybean row spacing has many other advantages:
- Rapid canopy closure for better light utilization
- Better weed control
- Excellent soil erosion control
- Soil moisture control
- Builds soil structure and health when paired with no-till practices
Are you considering 15″ row spacing? Check out this article from the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Integrated Crop Management to reference as you make your farm management decisions.
Kinze Split Row Advantages
The Kinze exclusive push row units are staggered and mounted on parallel toolbars, allowing better residue flow for improved seed placement accuracy.
- The 16″ spacing between parallel toolbars creates additional clearance between row units to allow residue to flow freely when planting in heavy residue
- Split row design plants 15″ no-till soybeans between the previous season’s corn stalks to optimize stand counts and minimize tire tread wear
- Push row units are easily raised and locked when using the planter for 30″ corn
- Uncluttered double toolbar design allows for additional options, like bulk fill or fertilizer, without sacrificing capacity
- Improved weight distribution across the toolbar

The Kinze 3000, 3500, 3600, and 3660 are planters available with the Kinze exclusive push row units for planting split rows. Contact your local Kinze Dealer for more information.