
A Tractor & His Boy: a Book About Following Your Dreams

Part of what makes Kinze Manufacturing such a special company are the many rich stories of our founder and president Jon Kinzenbaw. In 2013, we released a children’s book “Big Blue and Polly,” which shared a story of friendship and determination with the next generation of farmers. The book was so well received among kids, teachers and Kinze fans that we got to work on a second book soon thereafter. In December 2014, we released “A Tractor & His Boy,” which is based on the true story of how Jon Kinzenbaw rediscovered his father’s old tractor – The Old H – decades after it was thought to be long gone. This is a story about never giving up on your dreams, a...
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New Kinze Technology Makes Farming Easier

We continue celebrating 50 years of loyalty, innovation and improvements with the next post in our year-long series on Sparks of Innovation, which takes you out in the field to meet our customers and hear why they stay true to blue.  This month, we’re visiting Dan Brettnacher of Brookston, Indiana. In the early 1990s, Dan bought a Kinze 2600 planter to plant 15" rows of soybeans. Until then he’d been pretty loyal to another color of planter, but was so impressed with the accuracy and depth control of his first Kinze that he later bought another Kinze planter for his cornfields. Today, Dan uses a Kinze 4900 24-row planter for both corn and soybeans, and he says it makes him feel proud to see...
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#KINZEPLANT15 Photos From Around the World

We asked you to submit photos of your Kinze planters out in the field this planting season, and the response has been spectacular, to say the least. Photos have streamed in from around the world – from here in the heartland of America to Ontario, Canada and Brescia, Italy. Even The Bachelor Chris Soules tweeted out a pic of his Kinze planter in action! The coolest part is seeing how proud you all are of your Kinze planters. Doesn’t matter if you’re pulling a brand new 4900 24 row, or an older 6 row Kinze that’s celebrating its 20th planting season, the pride certainly shines through in all your photos.  But don’t just take our word for it!  Check out all of the...
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South Dakota Farmer’s Seed Spacing is Something to Talk About

This month, Sparks of Innovation takes you to Irene, South Dakota, where Troy Hansen of Hansen Cattle Company has counted on Kinze planters since 2004. Prior to that, a neighbor used a Kinze 3600 to plant beans for Troy, who liked the job it did so much he had to get one of his own. Last year he stepped up to the Kinze 4900 planter. The seed spacing and singulation were so uniform that a neighbor -- a seed dealer who’s seen a field or two in his day -- stopped by to tell Troy how impressed he was with his fields. With results like that it’s no wonder Troy stays true to blue.  Click here to see Troy’s full testimonial. Enjoy the latest...
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Jon Kinzenbaw Named 2015 Hero in American Ag by Silos and Smokestacks

Jon Kinzenbaw has spent 50 years improving the way farmers plant and harvest their crops. The Silos & Smokestacks National Heritage Area (SSNHA) recently recognized Jon’s incredible legacy of innovation by naming him its 2015 Hero in American Agriculture, which honors a catalyst who has revolutionized the industry of agriculture and changed the way we feed the world. Jon accepted the award at the 11th Annual Golden Silo Awards Luncheon, hosted at the Kinze Innovation Center (KIC) earlier this month. Jon took a few moments to share Kinze’s story of 50 years of disruptive innovation in agriculture. Afterwards, attendees viewed many of these innovations firsthand during a tour of the KIC and Kinze manufacturing plant. “The innovations of Jon Kinzenbaw and other forward thinking Iowans...
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7 Tips for Planting Season

Planting season has returned! To celebrate we have compiled a list of planting tips and reminders to help get you and your Kinze planter primed for action. 1. Graphite Done Right Standard Hoppers: Once the hoppers are full, take your bottle of graphite and make a good line around the edge of the hopper. Bulk-Fill: We recommend using at least 1 – 2 lbs. of graphite per 50 units of seed, which can be layered in as you fill the hoppers. Tip: To verify you are using enough graphite, open the meter and rub your fingers over the disc, backing plate, housing etc. They should be black from graphite use. If not, add more graphite. 2. Let's Talk Talc Talc...
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Time to Tune Up Your Monitors and Modules

Getting ready for planting season now means that we need to check more than just the “nuts and bolts” on our farm equipment. Today, precision ag technology drives the functionality of many of our tractors and planters. Therefore, it’s equally important that you take time to make sure you are up-to-date with the latest versions of software on your monitors and controlling modules. Here are current versions of supporting firmware (as of 3.20.15) for the monitors Kinze is compatible with: Here are the current versions of firmware for Kinze controlling modules (as of 3.20.15): Click here for more information, including instructions on how to perform firmware updates. For troubleshooting and support, please contact your Kinze dealer.
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Great Kinze Innovations: the Adjustable Width Plow

By the late 1960s, Jon Kinzenbaw had made a name for himself in the farming community by re-powering John Deere 5020 tractors. As interest in them grew so too did demand for product demonstrations. The only problem, however, was that Jon couldn’t find a plow capable of keeping up with the 320-horsepower tractors. A borrowed plow kept plugging up on cornstalks because it lacked vertical and lateral clearance between the bottoms. So Jon set out to buy the best plow available, but couldn’t decide between a 16-inch or 18-inch cut. It occurred to him that a farmer shouldn’t have to choose one or the other.  As Kinzenbaw recalls, “Both (the 16- and 18-inch plows) had the same components. It’s just the...
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Kinze’s Family Owned Values Make a Difference for Farmers

We continue celebrating 50 years of loyalty, innovation and improvements with the next post in our year-long series on Sparks of Innovation. This series will take you out in the field to meet our customers and hear why they stay true to blue. This month, we’re visiting with Jim McGee, a Kinze District Sales Manager serving Indiana and Michigan.  For Jim McGee, Kinze is a great example of a family-owned business. Many of the farmers Jim works with operate a family farm. Kinze understands and shares the values of these family business owners, which makes a difference in customer experience. Kinze is known for listening to customers and responding to their needs with innovative solutions. Jim emphasizes that his customers aren’t...
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How to Minimize Compaction and Increase Yield

It’s not news that planters today are bigger – much bigger – with more rows and attachments as well as higher seed and fertilizer capacity. THE BENEFIT: Planting efficiency + time savings. THE DRAWBACK: More weight going across the field, especially in pinch rows (the middle 6 rows of the planter next to the transport tires). More weight can mean a less than ideal seedbed, and field compaction reduces yield by reducing oxygen and water to the plant roots and restricting root development. As recent plot tests by Farm Journal show, the impact on your bottom line can be considerable. For example, say you’re planting 2,000 acres of corn with a 24-row bulk-fill planter. If 25 percent of total rows planted are pinch rows...
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