
Meters, Drives, & Displays – An Overview

Aside from the style of planter frame that works best on your farm, the most important choices regarding a row crop planter are the type of seed meter, the drive used to operate it, and the system used to monitor and control it. When you consider that today’s corn planters can routinely plant 500 acres a day, it is hard to imagine that only 200 years ago a farmer did really well to plant only ONE acre of corn in a long day by making holes with a hoe or "dibble stick" and dropping seeds into the ground. However, as soon as the Industrial Revolution hit the American shore, planting quickly evolved to hand-actuated planters, then to horse-drawn drill planters,...
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Big Blue

The Tractor that Stole the Show “We ought to build a great big plow and tractor just to promote our companies. We need something with about 600 horsepower, and we need a 12-bottom plow. When we leave that show they’ll know we were there.”-Bill Dietrich At the 1974 Farm Progress Show near Fort Dodge, Iowa, dozens of people swarmed around “Big Blue,” Jon Kinzenbaw’s paint-barely-dry, 20-ton concoction that coupled two, re-powered John Deere tractors into an eight-wheeled, four-wheel drive behemoth. The crowd buzzed as “Big Blue,” with Jon in the cab, appeared to be stuck. He was attempting to pull Kinze’s new 12-bottom plow, but the tractor, despite its 600 horsepower, was going nowhere. Its front wheels had spun down...
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THE Oldest Operating Kinze Grain Cart

The Contest The year 2022 marks the 50th anniversary of Kinze producing two-wheel grain carts. After building a prototype cart in 1971, Jon Kinzenbaw manufactured the first production run of eight, 400-bushel grain carts and quickly sold them all. Whatever happened to these carts? Any chance that one of them might still be around? We really wanted to know the answers to these questions, which gave birth to the Oldest Running Cart Contest we conducted from November 15 to December 31, 2021. In this contest, not only were we looking for the oldest operating grain cart, but we also wanted all our customers to brag a bit about the trusted grain carts they had been using. While many fine vintage...
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Tips For A Successful Spring!

After a remarkably cool spring, planting has now started in earnest. Even though you may already be in the field, it is always a good idea to check periodically your planter to keep it at peak productivity. To help, we have compiled a list of planting tips and reminders to help keep you and your Kinze planter in the field. Even if you have started planting, these tips are still helpful – a small adjustment may have a big impact! GRAPHITE DONE RIGHT Standard Hoppers: Once the hoppers are full, take your bottle of graphite and make a good line around the edge of the hopper. Bulk-Fill: We recommend using at least 1 to 2 pounds of graphite per 50...
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Dispelling Myths About High Speed Planting

True Speed – the high-speed planting solution from Kinze – plants at speeds from 3–12 mph and provides the accuracy and stability for planting up to twice the acres in a day versus conventional meters. For many farmers, the increased productivity is a perfect fit for their operation and they’re ready to make the switch. However, what about those who are pessimistic of True Speed’s advantages, or question if they will realize a return on investment? To help understand high-speed planting and the specific advantages of True Speed, we have compiled a list of “high-speed planting myths” and discussion points to help remove the mystery. “To go that fast, it must be complicated.” True Speed uses only one, no-adjust singulator...
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Kinze to Introduce New 3505 High-Speed Planter For 2023

WILLIAMSBURG, Iowa (Feb. 18, 2022) — Kinze Manufacturing will introduce its new 3505 True Speed high-speed planter for the 2023 season, providing advanced technology and improved productivity on smaller farms or small fields. “The 3505 pivot fold planter is the newest addition to Kinze’s True Speed high-speed planter lineup,” said Kinze president, Susanne Veatch. “It is simple to operate, high-performing and offered with or without a split 8-row 30" configuration.” With Kinze’s True Speed technology, consisting of a high-speed seed meter and seed tube, the 3505 enables farmers to plant at speeds up to 12 mph, doubling the amount of acres they can cover in a typical day without compromising singulation accuracy or spacing. Performance is optimized with Kinze’s Blue...
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The First Grain Cart

It can be argued that the single biggest factor in determining whether a farmer is successful is the weather. A wet, muddy fall in 1970 led one corn farmer to ask Jon Kinzenbaw to come up with a new way of getting grain from the combine to the truck. So, in Jon's own words, here is the story of the first grain cart built 50 years ago in 1971. Our first grain wagon, the forerunner of the grain cart, was a four-wheeled version that I built in 1967 for the late Wayne Butler of Ladora, Iowa. It was originally intended to hold 400 bushels but was later extended to 600-bushel capacity. A PTO-driven transmission and rear axle assisted the heavily-loaded...
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It’s Christmas!

Another year? Can it be? It seems like only the day before yesterday we all were in the midst of the “polar vortex” and wondering if spring would ever arrive. Then, once spring made its appearance, the rains didn’t want to easily stop and everyone waited and waited to put the precious seed in the ground. When fall arrived, the crops never really got dry, and harvest was an ongoing struggle due to the inclement weather. Needless to say, it has been a challenging year for everyone involved with agriculture. But here we are, at the doorstep of the holidays and year end rapidly approaching! As we reflect upon the past year, we realize we are part of a larger...
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Blue Drive™ Continues Kinze Legacy for Southern Iowa Farmer

Technology Continues Farmer's Legacy With Kinze For southern Iowa farmer Troy Adam, planting is not just about getting seed in the ground — it's another multi-generational step of being a steward of the land and feeding the world. This spring he's planting with a Kinze 4900 equipped with the new Blue Drive electric drive and Blue Vantage planter display. While definitely very different from the way his grandfather planted, it continues his family legacy of using Kinze equipment both spring and fall. Join Troy as he shares his experience with Blue Drive and Blue Vantage this spring. The Blue Drive electric drive and Blue Vantage planter display are available on the Kinze 3660, 4700, and 4900 planter models. Click on the links to learn more about these products and visit your Kinze...
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Mach Till Spring Startup

Mach Till Startup • Monmouth, IL Spring tillage is in full swing and Kinze Mach Till is throwing dirt! Justin, a Mach Till Product Specialist at Kinze, is spending time on the road demonstrating and setting up new machines. Here is his report on how tillage is progressing, and a testimony from a new customer in Illinois. Interested in trying a Mach Till on your farm? There may still be opportunities for a demonstration this spring. Sign up for a Spring Mach Till Demo online and we will have a dealer get in touch with you.
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