Category: Kinze News

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Kinze Plants “50” in the Field

If you’ve passed by Kinze headquarters in recent weeks you may have noticed a new addition to our collection of Kinze yard art. A big yellow, commemorative “50” in the field along Interstate-80. What’s It All About? As part of the Kinze 50th anniversary celebration, we thought it’d be a neat idea...

Introducing the Kinze 50 Year Anniversary History Video

2015 marks a milestone year for Kinze Manufacturing as we celebrate our 50 year anniversary. By now, most of you are likely familiar with the story of how Kinze got started. In 1965, my father Jon Kinzenbaw started a small welding and repair shop in Ladora, Iowa. Dad was only...

A Tractor & His Boy: a Book About Following Your Dreams

Part of what makes Kinze Manufacturing such a special company are the many rich stories of our founder and president Jon Kinzenbaw. In 2013, we released a children’s book “Big Blue and Polly,” which shared a story of friendship and determination with the next generation of farmers. The book was so well...

New Kinze Technology Makes Farming Easier

We continue celebrating 50 years of loyalty, innovation and improvements with the next post in our year-long series on Sparks of Innovation, which takes you out in the field to meet our customers and hear why they stay true to blue.  This month, we’re visiting Dan Brettnacher of Brookston, Indiana. In the...

#KINZEPLANT15 Photos From Around the World

We asked you to submit photos of your Kinze planters out in the field this planting season, and the response has been spectacular, to say the least. Photos have streamed in from around the world – from here in the heartland of America to Ontario, Canada and Brescia, Italy. Even The...

South Dakota Farmer’s Seed Spacing is Something to Talk About

This month, Sparks of Innovation takes you to Irene, South Dakota, where Troy Hansen of Hansen Cattle Company has counted on Kinze planters since 2004. Prior to that, a neighbor used a Kinze 3600 to plant beans for Troy, who liked the job it did so much he had to get one...