Georgetown, Illinois
Corn and Soybeans
3600 16 Row Split Row Pivot Fold Bulk Fill
What Was Your First Kinze Product?
The first Kinze product we bought was a 12-row econo-fold planter in April of 1996. We switched from a planter that didn’t give us the spacing that we wanted, to a Kinze with the finger pickup unit. We were very happy with that planter for a number of years, before we moved up to a Kinze 12-24 interplant planter, which we fell in love with immediately.
What Keeps You Coming Back to Kinze?
Accuracy is a big thing for me. I love driving by our fields in the spring. You can see rows of corn in all directions. You’ll drive by competitors’ fields and the corn’s close together, or there are wide spaces. They may have the population they want, but the spacing that Kinze offers is one of the key features as to why we have stayed with the Kinze lineup.
Charlie’s Full Testimonial Video
See Charlie’s full testimonial below and how his Kinze planter provides accurate spacing for every acre.