Inside the Kinze Innovation Center

A few years ago the Kinzenbaw family and Kinze Leadership Team began exploring ways to really tell the Kinze story. Many exciting ideas surfaced – like books, videos and various digital productions – yet one challenge remained. With a company so rich in history, how could any ONE medium capture the story of Kinze in its entirety?

To tell the history is one thing, but to experience the history was another. What we set out to do was create a full real-life experience that gave our customers and friends something tangible. Something that let them see, touch, hear and feel the energy and excitement behind Kinze innovation – present and past.

Thus, the Kinze Innovation Center was born. Opened in 2013, this state-of-the-art complex tells the story of nearly 50 years of inspiration, imagination and hard work by founder Jon Kinzenbaw and the generations of dedicated employees and partners who have helped shape Kinze into the industry leader it is today. The most recent innovative products like grain carts and planters are also on display, as well as an exhibit showcasing the Kinze autonomy project.The 25,000-square-foot complex located on the Kinze campus in Williamsburg, Iowa, gives us the capacity to really bring the Kinze story to life. From a replica of the original Kinze welding shop, to original prototypes of classic machines, to displays of the latest innovations, the Kinze Innovation Center puts visitors at the center of the Kinze universe.

With a movie theater featuring The Kinze Story and interactive displays for all ages, it’s a great destination for family trips. Loyal Kinze fans will be awed to see Big Blue and its 12-bottom plow, Kinze’s first grain cart and an early folding planter, a re-powered tractor and other tractors from Jon Kinzenbaw’s personal tractor collection.

We couldn’t be more excited about how it turned out. What was once a grand and ambitious idea is now an amazing reality. If you haven’t yet had the opportunity to visit the Kinze Innovation Center, we welcome you to come pay a visit as soon as you can. It may not be Disney World, but you’ll agree that there’s definitely something magical going on here at Kinze. Hope to see you soon!

Drone Tractors Farm by Themselves
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