Kinze Innovation Center Visitors

More than 37,000 people from all over the country and various parts of the world have visited the Kinze Innovation Center since it opened in February 2013. We have welcomed tour bus groups from the Netherlands, Germany, and Brazil; honeymooners from Australia; FFA and Farm Bureau groups from across the Midwest; vacationers from the east and west coasts; manufacturing and agriculture college students from Midwest universities, tech schools and community colleges; and the list continues. 

More than half of the visitors are walk-ins. They either have heard about the Innovation Center from family, friends or their Kinze dealer. Many spot the “Open to the Public” sign on the Innovation Center from Interstate 80 or see the Innovation Center attraction sign along I-80. Sometimes, guests will miss the exit and turn around at the next exit to stop by. We often hear, “I have been driving by Kinze for years and have seen it grow, but haven’t taken the time to stop until today.”  

The other half of our visitors schedule a Kinze factory tour or field trip in advance. During a factory tour, we provide a behind-the-scenes look at how we make our planters and grain carts, as well as share our story, innovations and culture. 

In the spirit of innovation and telling the story of Kinze, some visitors share their experiences, connecting to the Kinze story in their own way. We enjoy listening to visitors’ stories and getting to know them. Each interaction, whether it is a long-time Kinze customer or a person who has no idea what Kinze does, adds great value to the Kinze Innovation Center. It inspires visitors and they leave here with a better understanding of Kinze, amazed by Jon Kinzenbaw and the company he has built. In turn, it leaves us inspired to continuously provide innovative product solutions for the row-crop industry.

Some of the many groups that have visited the Kinze Innovation Center include:


Left to Right: Marvin and Kim Lynch, June 2015  |  Richard and Joyce Lynch, February 2016

Organic Dairy Farmers that own the farm featured on a mural in the Kinze Innovation Center. 

Left to Right: Kreg Tool Group Factory Tour, November 2016  |  University of Iowa Operations Management Course, April 2017

Thank you for visiting the Kinze Innovation Center!

Haven’t visited the Kinze Innovation Center? Plan your visit today! Learn more here

The Advantages of Kinze Split Row Planters
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