Ahhh, the open road. For the next week or two, the job is left behind and you and the family are free to explore destinations unknown! But wait, sometimes the distance between “here” and “there” is more than anyone inside your sheetmetal time machine can handle. The kids, and yourself, need somewhere along that long ribbon of concrete to get out and run off some energy. Also, you secretly want to feed your compulsive need to see and touch things that are made out of steel and smell faintly of diesel fuel. So do yourself and the family a favor, take a break and stop at the Kinze Innovation Center where there is plenty of steel and a great story to go along with it.
Plan Your Trip
Visit the Kinze Innovation Center webpage for information to plan your visit. For stories about the many things you’ll see while at the Innovation Center, explore the following:
Inside the Kinze Innovation Center
Top 10 Reasons to Visit the Kinze Innovation Center
The John Deere 5020 Meets Jon Kinzenbaw
The Kinze History Book: 50 Years of Disruptive Innovation
So when you’re headed through the middle of the Heartland and you see that big sign with “Kinze” on it, be sure to take a break from your travels and stop on in. We hope to see you soon!