Bulk Fill

Bulk fill seed delivery

An air pressurized bulk fill seed delivery system that requires no mechanical agitation, with capacities up to 120 bu. Redesigned manifold handles all varieties of seed sizes as well as higher population and supports planting speeds up to 12 mph. Shut off gate allows easy serviceability or cleanout with seed remaining in the hoppers.

Electronic scale package*

Bulk fill seed hoppers are weighed individually allowing operator to see weight per hopper and acres remaining to empty. Package includes a catwalk mounted remote scale display for even filling. Bulk fill scales are required for the active weight transfer feature.

*bulk fill scale package standard on Blue Drive equipped 5900, 5700 and 3665; optional on Blue Drive equipped 3505

Increased crop compatibility

  • Corn
  • Beans
  • #4 sunflowers
  • Confectionary sunflowers
  • Sweet corn
  • Sugar beets
  • Grain sorghum
  • Cotton
  • Canola
  • Hemp
  • Cover crops